You can become the rock star of real estate data in your town

You may have noticed lately there have been quite a few articles about a person named Nate Silver who recently joined ESPN.

No Silver is not a baseball player. Or a football player. Or a play-by-play announcer.

He’s a statistician.

A statistician with some heavy creds. For example in 2012 he correctly predicted the winner of ALL 50 states and the District of Columbia in the presidential election.

In presidential election of 2008, he was off by just one state. That was Indiana, that went for Barack Obama by just one percentage point.

Silver  created a system to forecast performance of Major League Baseball players, which he later sold (Moneyball anybody?). In 2009, he was named one of the The World’s 100 Most Influential People by Time magazine.

All this for a statistician? Numbers cruncher?

Get used to it folks. In this day of high speed computers that can gather and analyze enormous amounts of data, the people who master this craft are getting recognized.

After all, what do you think drives the Internet? Math and data.

So as a real estate professional in this era of “big data” it would be wise to take advantage of the technological advances in information processing available to the average Joe.

With SpatialMatch for example, you can add a data widget with thousands upon thousands of data points about local businesses, schools, boundaries, recent home sales and more to your website.

And that’s combined with a high-speed IDX that will pull up the latest MLS listings in a flash, complete with photos and descriptions. An MLS listing that will appear alongside a map – so you can show a buyer everything they need to see – home information, location and local amenities.

And you don’t need a Cray heavy-duty computer to do it. All you need is a website.

Folks, this is the time we live in.

You can go to Google and search for something and it will sift through millions of pieces of data to find what you are looking for in a blink of an eye.

On the local level, SpatialMatch can pull up local neighborhood data pretty darn fast.

That’s an impressive service to offer buyers and to impress sellers.

There’s a reason Nate Silver is generating attention. He’s the rockstar of data.

You can create the same buzz about yourself in your local market – embed SpatialMatch into your site and promote yourself as the local wizard of neighborhood statistics.

In this era of incredible access to information, where most people now use the web to find a home, people will notice.

To learn more about Nate Silver – statistician – click here.

To add the enormous SpatialMatch hyperlocal data widget to your website, click here.