When someone hands you a gift, use it!
If you’ve been on the planet a few years, you notice there are two types of people in the world.
Doers and semi-doers.
The semi-doers drive to work, do what they’re told or what they’ve always done, drive home, eat dinner, pass out.
The doers, on the other hand, can’t stand the routine- they are always trying something new, advancing, testing, learning, revising.
An article on the Evan Carmichael web site “We help entrepreneurs,” talks about the five personality traits of doers.
1) Gets the job done – doesn’t make excuses. Does not worry about making mistakes. Just does it and re-adjusts later.
2) Leader – likes to be in charge. Stubborn. Willing to take the my-way-or-the-highway approach.
3) Strong and Decisive – makes a decision. Moves on. Does not look back.
4) Cheerful and Optimistic – believes they can make things happen. Many times the life of the party for that reason, as opposed to a “Debbie Downer” type.
5) Impatient – wants to get things done and not very tolerant of people who don’t. But can get along with them as well (because they need them!).
Now, just as you decide, “yea, that’s me” along comes an incredible tool that you can use to enhance your website by a factor of 10.
It’s the SpatialMatch Lifestyle and Neighborhood Search Engine – a gigantic, map-based data widget of local businesses, schools, parks, boundaries, hospitals, restaurants, book stores, sports facilities, etc., etc., etc.
Basically everything a home buyer wants to know about what amenities are available to them in the local neighborhood.
There are radius distance circles so that buyer can designate how close they want to live to a yoga studio, Starbucks, chiropractor – whatever.
And it’s all easily embedded on the Realtor’s site. So they keep the prospects, they have just as much hyper-local data as the big real estate portals and they have a tool they can use to capture leads.
Mike Tyson is famous for his guote, “Everybody has a game plan until they get punched in the face.”
So, sure, you might be “Danny Decisive.” The go-get-em type of guy. “Take no prisoners,” is your motto.
But then a cold slap of reality hits you in the face. Say for example, you want to buy that new BMW. You’re an action kind of guy, but geez, “that sure seems like a lot of money.”
Or, you want to expand your office. “It’s costs how much to knock out that wall?” Add in new work stations. Phone lines. Yikes.
Well, in the spirit of the Holiday Season, SpatialMatch is going to make it easy for you to retain your reputation as a man or woman of action. A modern-day Superhero.
Because, we just made this enormous data widget FREE.
There’s no cost to make this decision, there’s no pain.
It’s very easy to embed the SpatialMatch platform onto your site. And KAPOW, you just added a tremendous feature to market to buyers and impress sellers.
Do it. You don’t want to sit on the bench, you want to be on the field. You are not a passenger. You’re a driver. You’re not a spectator, you’re a player. A real estate player. A real estate action figure.
To check out Evan’s site for entrepreneurs, go here.
To easily add the real estate lifestyle search engine to your website, go here to FreeLifestyleSearch.com.