Top real estate blogs we like and hope you do too
It’s easy nowadays to write a blog about real estate.
All you do is go online to conduct some research, maybe take a side trip to check on how Lindsay Lohan is doing, get yourself a coffee, turn on the tube to see today’s weather, wonder how anybody can watch Jerry Springer, take a nap, call a friend, feed your farm and then Bam!, several hours later you have today’s real estate blog.
Hopefully you get the point, that it is difficult to write an interesting blog about real estate on a regular basis. Many have tried to join this niche in the blogosphere and many have fallen.
Here are several real estate-related blogs that have survived and we always find interesting. Keep checking back because we’ll be adding to the list as we come across more.
- Tech Savvy Agent
- Agent Genius
- Real Estate Coach Radio
- 1000watt
- Notorious R.O.B
- RealtySitesPlus
- Real Estate Cafe
Let us know if you have a few favorites. We’d love to check them out.