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real estate tools Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Home Junction
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real estate tools

"Farming" techniques are changing. Do you have the right tools?

It used to be that America’s farmland was made up of small farmers with moderate acreage. Today, the small farmer is complaining that they are being put out of business by the mega-farm corporations.

How did that happen?  The simple answer is that efficiencies were made to the... Read More

“Farming” techniques are changing. Do you have the right tools?

It used to be that America’s farmland was made up of small farmers with moderate acreage. Today, the small farmer is complaining that they are being put out of business by the mega-farm corporations.

How did that happen?  The simple answer is that efficiencies were made to the... Read More

Realtors now have a tool to effectively use the persuasive technique of "scarcity" in any market

By now most of you are familiar with Groupon. It’s a company that cuts a deal with a local advertiser, say a restaurant, to offer a sizable discount of 50% or more.

The catch is, consumers have ONE day to buy the deal.

Does this work? Well, Groupon had $750 million in sales last year... Read More

Realtors now have a tool to effectively use the persuasive technique of “scarcity” in any market

By now most of you are familiar with Groupon. It’s a company that cuts a deal with a local advertiser, say a restaurant, to offer a sizable discount of 50% or more.

The catch is, consumers have ONE day to buy the deal.

Does this work? Well, Groupon had $750 million in sales last year... Read More

SpatialMatch continues to integrate IDX listings with lifestyle search across the US, including the latest in St. Louis area

Hundreds of brokers and agents continue to add the SpatialMatch® IDX with Lifestyle Search Engine to their websites.

SpatialMatch just integrated the IDX listings in the St. Louis market and the response from real estate agents is very, very positive.

“As soon as I saw it... Read More

New IDX and Lifestyle Search Engine gives brokers and agents an edge in their marketplace

(The following is an excerpt of an article about SpatialMatch written for a major online real estate magazine.)

The real estate industry recently took a giant leap forward into the 21st century.

Real estate brokers and agents can now embed into their web sites a lifestyle search engine that... Read More

Generating high-quality real estate leads requires a "give"

On the Internet, if you want to get something, you’ve got to give something.

It is old fashioned Internet behavior to expect me to fill out a contact form before I can even see what you have to offer.

Real estate marketing is no different.

It’s ironic that more than 80% of home buyers start their search for a home on the web, yet, most real estate sites offer users very little or at times nothing in return for their contact information.

SpatialMatch gives agents and brokers a very effective tool to capture leads. Using our... Read More

Generating high-quality real estate leads requires a “give”

On the Internet, if you want to get something, you’ve got to give something.

It is old fashioned Internet behavior to expect me to fill out a contact form before I can even see what you have to offer.

Real estate marketing is no different.

It’s ironic that more than 80% of home buyers start their search for a home on the web, yet, most real estate sites offer users very little or at times nothing in return for their contact information.

SpatialMatch gives agents and brokers a very effective tool to capture leads. Using our... Read More

Online Dominance real estate program features SpatialMatch in hour-long video

Michael J. Russer, aka Mr. Internet, is a very popular guy in the real estate business.

His Online Dominance Mentoring Program is unlike traditional coaching and training programs – he takes a unique, and we might add, very effective and high-powered approach to turning real estate agents into online real estate superstars.

So, we were very impressed and grateful when Mike presented an hour-long forum on our SpatialMatch neighborhood and lifestyle search engine to about 100 of his colleagues.

“I’ve always been on the lookout for those things that can help you... Read More

SpatialMatch featured in major US newspaper

You know the feeling you get when your name is mentioned (for positive reasons) in the newspaper?

Maybe the local paper wrote a story on you. Or printed your letter to the editor. Or took a photo of you.

Come on, admit it.  That recognition is sort of... Read More

SpatialMatch IDX feature results in dozens of new clients

Comey and Shepherd Realtors

Now that we added our IDX real estate listing technology, dozens of brokers and agents are embedding the SpatialMatch neighborhood and search engine tool into their web sites to offer consumers... Read More

Put some muscle in those real estate links

There are links…and then there are links.

Imagine you are talking to a seller. He or she wants to know how you are going to promote their property.

Sure, you can send a prospect a link from your listings showing the usual beds, baths, blah, blah, blah.

Or you can tell the seller, that when you interview a prospect, you are also going to find out their neighborhood preferences and coordinate all this listing and neighborhood data together on your neighborhood and lifestyle search engine.

Then when you send that prospect a link, that... Read More

How Realtors can provide their own customized search engine

Few people know this story.

In the mid-1990s, two bright young men from Stanford University approached the founders of Yahoo and offered to sell them this cool new Internet search program they had created working late at... Read More

Successful Realtor who built his reputation as a hyperlocal expert adds SpatialMatch to site

David Dion of Solutions Real Estate knows all about hyperlocal. He built his real estate career on it.

Dion is one of the latest Realtor clients to incorporate SpatialMatch’s lifestyle search engine into his web site – appropriately named – Read More

How Realtors can use a neighborhood lifestyle search tool to enhance their SEO rankings

Eric Hempler is a smart guy.

Whenever anybody searches in Robbinsdale, Golden Valley, Crystal or New Hope and surrounding towns in Minneapolis for a school, Eric wants them to find him.

He’s not a teacher, administrator or school... Read More

Home buyers want more control over information and your job is easier when you give them the right tools

Have you ever read an article online, got riled up, and looked for a way to leave a comment, only to discover that 6,014 people already posted their opinion on that subject.

It’s hard to imagine the old days when the most... Read More

Your lifestyle is what I say it is! Oh really?

Did someone ever tell you about this great,  must-see “art” exhibition appearing at the local museum? So you traipse all the way down there, pay your admission, look at the piece and think: ‘Wow. This really is a piece of garbage. What were they thinking?”

We all know that “Art” has a different meaning to everyone.  So do other... Read More

Top real estate blogs we like and hope you do too

Top real estate blogsIt’s easy nowadays to write a blog about real estate.

All you do is go online to conduct some research, maybe take a side trip to check on how Lindsay Lohan is doing, get yourself a coffee, turn on the tube to see today’s weather, wonder how anybody can watch Jerry Springer, take a nap, call a friend, feed your farm and then Bam!, several hours later you... Read More

Specific strategies on how you can use SpatialMatch to retain early-stage home buyers

Last week we talked about some hyperlocal strategies to keep control of those early-stage buyers and avoid the horror of them traipsing off somewhere else and ending up with another company …and you lose the sale.

In today’s market, we highly recommend you put added emphasis on keeping in contact with the early-stage buyers. There’s so much competition out there, not just from other agents, but on the national level.

Now you have popular real estate sites including Google, Zillow, Trulia, and even which can pull those buyers away from you.

This is one... Read More

Having trouble keeping your early-stage home buyers? Read these three simple tips.

You are not alone!  The How-to-Keep-Early-Stage-Buyers-Interested has perplexed Realtors forever.  This will help.

First of all, in any business, it helps to have the right mindset.  You must envision the prospect as a sale even if you believe that they are only uncommitted  ‘looky-lous’.

Why? Because these early stage buyers could mean a mini-sweepstakes prize for you IF YOU KEEP THEM ENGAGED. They themselves may or may not buy a home, but you can be sure that they are talking to their friends about it.

Oh by the way, their friends may be getting ready... Read More

Buzz starting to build about SpatialMatch’s neighborhood/lifestyle search tool

Tech Savvy Agent

It’s all smiles around the office this week as we received a tremendous boost for SpatialMatch with both a plug on national TV and coverage by a leading real... Read More

Buzz starting to build about SpatialMatch’s neighborhood/lifestyle search tool


It’s all smiles around the office this week as we received a tremendous boost for SpatialMatch with both a plug on national TV and coverage by a leading real estate technology columnist.

We’ll start with TV. A Fox Business reporter interviewed Joseph Vranich, a business relocation coach, about how businesses are... Read More

The great debate – how Realtors should promote themselves on Facebook. Got ideas?

Last week we ran a blog with some tips for Realtors on how they should use Facebook to promote their business. It elicited quite a few comments, many of which were posted on Linkedin groups.

There are a few items up for debate concerning the use of Facebook and we thought we would continue the conversation.

First, we’re still hearing from some in the biz that Facebook is useless.  Well, we hope to change the mind of those folks y saying... Read More

Realtors: Use Facebook to establish yourself as the hyperlocal expert

Tips for Real Estate Agents on using FacebookI have to laugh. I recently saw an old comment from a Realtor complaining about Facebook.

It went something like this: “Facebook is useless. “It’s just a bunch of 18-22 year olds looking for the next hot party.”

That... Read More

At Inman conference, Realtors “get” the use of lifestyle search technology

For any person who has ever endured the challenges of exhibiting at a trade show, there is no better feeling in the world than when a visitor comes back to your booth for a second visit.  And, they bring a colleague.

Our group came away from the San Francisco Read More

At Inman conference, Realtors "get" the use of lifestyle search technology

For any person who has ever endured the challenges of exhibiting at a trade show, there is no better feeling in the world than when a visitor comes back to your booth for a second visit.  And, they bring a colleague.

Our group came away from the San Francisco Read More

How to be successful in real estate sales, from a few pros

SpacialMatch on The GoodLife Team web siteHow do you sell more homes?

Become an expert on your neighborhoods. Be the real estate agent who does more than describe a home.

Be that agent who fills the “lifestyle amenity needs” of prospective homebuyers. Be that agent that finds the homebuyer’s perfect location surrounded by the schools... Read More

SpatialMatch chosen as one of six presenters at leading real estate technology conference

This year’s Real Estate Connect conference starting Tuesday is incredibly exciting for SpatialMatch because we will be one of just six companies featured in the “New Kids on the Block” competition.

If you are in the real estate business and want to keep up with the latest technology, then you must attend this event sponsored by Inman News, the recognized and leading source of independent news covering all aspects of the business.

Thousands of people flock to the show every year, held appropriately in the birthplace of innovation, San Francisco.

According to... Read More

One of our customers nominated by Inman for Innovator Award

Wow. One of our customers is up for a major tech award.

Home Junction Inc., the creators of SpatialMatch, is proud to be one of the technology partners of The GoodLife Team, an Austin real estate brokerage selected as a finalist for one of the real estate industry’s most coveted awards, the 2010 Inman Innovator Award.

Since its beginning, the Inman Innovator Award has been recognized as the real estate industry’s most prestigious mark of excellence when it comes to the application of technology to the real... Read More

Home Junction

Home Junction

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