real estate data
Use the Latest Real Estate Marketing Tools to Monopolize on New Interest in “Surbans”
There is a new housing phenomenon making the rounds called “surbans” and here’s how you can use real estate marketing tools to promote this hot, upcoming trend.
The reasoning behind this movement seems natural. Millenials and others prefer the idea of living in cities where there are plenty of amenities – restaurants, clubs, museums, stores, etc.
But, home buyers are... Read More
How New Brokers Will Use Real Estate Data To Compete Against Established Brokerages
You own a real estate brokerage firm in town that has been established for years.
A full Rolodex of clients. Plenty of referrals. Brand name familiarity around town. Agents immersed in the community and working every networking group out there.
Life is good.
For a new brokerage or real estate agent to crack into your market, it will take some doing. They will have to wear out lots of shoe... Read More
Experts Say 2017 Will Be The Year To Market To Millennials – Do You Have a Mobile-Ready Real Estate Website
The Fiscal Times recently issued its “Real Estate Trends to Watch in... Read More
Home Sales Heat Up in California. How Brokers Can Set Themselves Apart with a WordPress Real Estate Website
It’s deja vu all over again as the real estate business in California is heating up. That basically means brokers and agents need to be on top of their game with responsive WordPress real... Read More
The Value of Property Sales Data and Hot Markets

When it comes to finding hot markets, property sales data is golden. And as real estate professional knows, there are a number of factors that can turn any market into a hot market, fast.
Take a recent example from overseas. The entire world was surprised one day when “Brexit” took place and citizens in Britain surprisingly voted to leave the European Union.
Many pundit, experts and Brits woke up scratching their heads with two BIG questions.
How did that happen?
What happens next?
Well it didn’t take long for the consequence of that... Read More
Wine Social Media Guru Gary Vaynerchuk Offers Advice on Real Estate Content
What do wine and real estate content have in common? According to web guru Gary Vaynerchuk, quite a bit.
You might have heard of Gary. He’s the guy who built a $50 million empire selling wine – all on the internet.
The guy loves social media. He... Read More
Real Estate Email Can Be More Enticing With This Data Tool
Real estate email is a beautiful invention. So why do so many real estate brokers and agents not utilize it correctly?
There’s a real estate data tool that can fix that.
First of all, despite all the new social apps out there such as Instagram, Snapchat and Tumblr, the old... Read More
Neighborhood Data Matters and Here Are Real Estate Tools to Show Home Buyers and Sellers Why
How important is neighborhood data? A recent article in US News and World Report talked about real estate trends that a person in Chicago should consider before they sold their... Read More
How “Agent-Generated Content” is the Next New Thing in Real Estate

Today’s Millenial home buyer is a different breed of consumer. Savvy agents and brokers can revise their strategies to meet this change by employing the latest in real estate data technology to create “agent-generated content.”
As anyone can see, when you have a generation raised on iPhones and iPads, the way they make a purchasing decision is going to be different.
This is a generation that can buy a gadget from Amazon on their phone in just a few seconds by hitting the 1-click button.
For this group of consumers, there is less calling friends and... Read More
Real Estate Data Can Boost the First Impression of Agent Websites

Home Sales Data Can Make You the Warren Buffet of Your Market
There’s a reason they call Warren Buffet the “Sage of Omaha.” The... Read More