real estate big data
Articles on how to find the best agent are missing the point on real estate big data

There are several articles circulating on the web about how to choose a real estate agent.
They all seem to say the same thing and they all also miss out on a few important qualities that brokers and agents should possess in this day and age.
That includes the latest real estate search and data technology. But more on that in a second.
Here are some of the usual tips these articles include when looking for an agent:
– Talk with recent clients. Sure, good advice. But be wary, any professional can always keep a handful of happy clients in their back... Read More
Add real estate data screenshots to add punch to your videos
There’s no question this is the era of the video. Research shows, that when consumers visit a web page, one of the first things they will do is watch a video.
One expert says there are three things you need to pay attention to when creating a real estate video.
Those key elements to keep in mind is when making a video: give them a Taste of what great info is about to come, then help them Touch the experience with sounds and strong visuals and then Tell a Story about the location that evokes positive feelings.
But... Read More
Prediction for 2015 says there will be a pent-up surge of first-time home buyers
It’s 2015. Time for forecasts. One real estate writer predicts 2015 will be the year we see a big increase in the amount of first-time home buyers coming onto the market.
As a real estate agent, are you ready for this surge? Because this group is not... Read More
With SpatialMatch you can match the latest trends for super-wealthy homes
Every so often financial websites will throw out a story about how the super-wealthy prefer to do this or the super-wealthy prefer to do that. (Makes you wonder if the ultra-rich can ever be ultra-happy).
But, we all know the real reason for these articles is not to highlight the difficulties of having all that money, but to... Read More
How real estate brokers and agents can create their own mini-Inman News
Inman News is the no. 1 real estate website in the US with nearly 500,000 visitors per month.
But what if you as a real estate agent could create the most popular real estate news website in your town? Wouldn’t that be great (and rewarding financially)?
It’s not as hard as you think.
Just like any news site, you need a source of information. The great thing about technology today is that you don’t need to hire reporters or researchers to find, gather and correlate tons of hyper-local data.
There are real estate information... Read More
Change buyer’s remorse with a fact-based big data real estate map tool
For all the endless emphasis today on social media, there’s one old-fashioned form of social media that’s a top priority for real estate brokers and agents but now there’s a new way to make it successful.
That’s the word-of-mouth referral. A survey of 2,000 home buyers sheds new light on how important it... Read More