Control your own destiny with your own website
In the Internet world, it’s a simple but brutal fact.
In real estate, every link and every click is extremely valuable. Precious. A path to leads. Sales. But only if you control the click-path.
So why are so many agents still directing links and clicks to their company website, or “their page” on the company website, or even worse, a competitor destination portal like Zillow?
There are so many incredible tools available for an agent to own their own site, including the WordPress for real... Read More
December: the "tenth" month and end of a long year
Think about it? Wouldn’t you want to end the year on a high note? Celebrating with family and friends?
If the world isn’t weird enough with all this talk of such strange words such as iPads, Nexus’ and... Read More
December: the “tenth” month and end of a long year
Think about it? Wouldn’t you want to end the year on a high note? Celebrating with family and friends?
If the world isn’t weird enough with all this talk of such strange words such as iPads, Nexus’ and... Read More
Even the Internet can be clunky at times like an old typewriter
I can’t think of how many times I’ve sat down with people and discussed adding content to their website only to find out, they really can’t.
Know why? Their sites are clunky. You might think you are tech-savvy with a website that is five years old, but guess what, in terms of Internet technology, your site... Read More
News Alert! Home Junction announces you can now get their popular SpatialMatch Lifestyle Search App for FREE
Sometimes I think we tend to forget that the incredible allure of the Internet is that it offers so many items for no cost at all.
You can search for free, listen to music for free, watch funny videos for free, play games for free, talk to your friends for free, read the news for free, etc. and etc.
Then there are all the plug-ins and widgets and what-nots you can add to your site for free.
With all this free stuff, the real challenge is in choosing which feature to download and which to ignore. Because many of the items turn out to be worthless or something you never,... Read More
Be thankful for uptick in real estate outlook
If you can cut through all the noise out there – politics, taxes, jobs – there are some promising indicators in real estate that make this Thanksgiving a time to stop and appreciate the signs of hope.
First of all, speaking of noise, the election is finally... Read More
How ready are you when a company opens or relocates?
One major discussion that has taken center stage in this presidential election concerns jobs.
And one thing that real estate professionals do well is to keep their ears to the ground for the sound of economic development in their area.
When a new manufacturing plant opens up (they are in some southern states) or when a company relocates their headquarters it means one thing to a broker or agent – people are going to be buying homes, quickly.
There is a battle going on between states, even counties, for economic development. They have departments devoted solely to... Read More
In the blink of an eye, what do people think of your real estate site?
It’s no great revelation that things move fast today. Real fast.
People surf the world on the web in seconds. You send letters in a snap. When you call a friend, you don’t look up his number, your virtual phone assistant does that for you.
A few weeks ago, we talked about Malcolm Gladwell’s book, “The Tipping Point.” He wrote a follow-up book, “Blink” that has some very interesting observations with valuable implications for real estate professionals.
In “Blink,” Gladwell... Read More
How to market properties in today’s coupon economy
It’s no secret this country has gone through some tough economic times and is on the slow road to recovery.
A few years ago, jobs disappeared. Housing dropped. Wallets and pocketbooks shrunk.
Things appear to be getting better – the unemployment rate is declining and the demand for real estate listings in... Read More
How to market properties in today's coupon economy
It’s no secret this country has gone through some tough economic times and is on the slow road to recovery.
A few years ago, jobs disappeared. Housing dropped. Wallets and pocketbooks shrunk.
Things appear to be getting better – the unemployment rate is declining and the demand for real estate listings in... Read More
What's the "tipping point" when it comes to hyper-local real estate?
It’s not often you are credited with creating a new or popular phrase in the English language.
Writer Malcolm Gladwell took the term “tipping point” to a whole new level with his book of the same name published in 2000.
He pointed out there are three characteristics of a tipping point – one... Read More
What’s the “tipping point” when it comes to hyper-local real estate?
It’s not often you are credited with creating a new or popular phrase in the English language.
Writer Malcolm Gladwell took the term “tipping point” to a whole new level with his book of the same name published in 2000.
He pointed out there are three characteristics of a tipping point – one... Read More
This grade school subject is critical for real estate pros today
Back in the days of our youth, most of us probably thought geography was just another one of those obscure classes, like algebra, or chemistry that we would never use in real life.
Then you grow up and you realize, whoa, maybe those teachers were right after all.
As an adult, you can’t help but see the... Read More
Forced registration improves conversion rate by 300%
Nobody likes to be forced into anything.
But as you know, on the Internet, the rules are different.
Web users are now becoming more accepting of “forced registration.”
It makes sense. Sites are better at providing useful information.
But if you want that information, you need to give a little too.
That request could be just an email address. Or a name. Something simple.
SpatialMatch, the IDX and Lifestyle search engine platform, provides a simple registration form that you can tweak to your preferences (see below).
Don’t be afraid to... Read More
WordPress themes for real estate are like a new suit of clothes
Themes are fun.
Take parties for example.
In an instant you can transform mild-mannered suburbanites into crazed Parrott Heads or 40-year-olds into little Halloween-loving kids.
We don’t know if you noticed, but WordPress is like that.
We don’t mean it will turn you into a Margaritaville maniac.
What we are referring to are the WordPress themes.
It’s an amazing advancement in web design.
When you created a site in the old days, it was a ton of back and forth with the web designer. What goes where, what color... Read More
Use "hidden gems" to increase your Facebook followers
We were sitting around the other day with a bunch of friends who lived in our area for quite a while.
I mentioned a funky and delicious restaurant we checked out recently.
They had never heard of it.
And they were quite impressed with our local knowledge.
This got me thinking about how real estate brokers and... Read More
Use “hidden gems” to increase your Facebook followers
We were sitting around the other day with a bunch of friends who lived in our area for quite a while.
I mentioned a funky and delicious restaurant we checked out recently.
They had never heard of it.
And they were quite impressed with our local knowledge.
This got me thinking about how real estate brokers and... Read More
How to glow when "Googled"
I read an interesting blog the other day from a real estate agent who held an open house.
She met a nice young couple who toured the house and then came back and spoke with the agent.
“Yea, we Googled you,” they said, apparently happy with what they found.
Googled... Read More
How to glow when “Googled”
I read an interesting blog the other day from a real estate agent who held an open house.
She met a nice young couple who toured the house and then came back and spoke with the agent.
“Yea, we Googled you,” they said, apparently happy with what they found.
Googled... Read More
How to walk the talk when it comes to value-added selling
Do you consider yourself to be a value-added real estate broker or agent?
Naturally, if you ask this question to those in the business, they will all respond, “Heck yeah.”
Let’s first look at the definition. Here’s one we like from Tom Reilly: “Value-added selling is a proactive philosophy of seeking ways to enhance, augment or enlarge your bundled package solution for the customer.
“It’s promising a lot and delivering more, always looking for ways to exceed the customer’s expectations.”
... Read More
To get the gold, be like Gabby and go outside your comfort zone
By now, everyone is probably familiar with the Gabby Douglas story.
How at 14 years of age the American Olympic gymnast moved from Virginia Beach to West Des Moines in Iowa and changed coaches.
There’s more to it than that.
Not only did Gabby move, but the teenager moved halfway across the country... Read More
What would you do to get a $100 million listing?
Everybody has fantasies.
For real estate professionals, we imagine they lay in bed at night dreaming about a listing for a $100 million penthouse.
That’s a sweet deal. And an 8,000 sq. ft. penthouse at that price is for sale right now in Manhattan.
It went on the market after a $90 million penthouse (a measly 6,000 sq. ft.) went under contract.
Apparently there are buyers out there for these types of properties – part II of that fantasy.
Prudential Douglas Elliman has the Manhattan... Read More
Location is more important today than ever in terms of a home as an investment
You may have noticed the headlines recently about how in 2010 the net worth of the American family dropped by nearly 40%.
Of course, it’s not surprising considering we were coming off the Great Recession.
But you can imagine how this has changed the mindset of most Americans.
When it comes to buying a house, more than any time in history, Americans are very concerned about the value of their home as an investment.
And you know how location plays an enormous role in that investment.
There’s an interesting article in... Read More
Why WordPress is great for real estate in one word – speed
No, I’m not talking about a foot race. There comes a point in your life where your own kids or the neighborhood kids can outrun you and your days as a sprinter are over.
But that doesn’t mean you can slow down.
If you are in business, especially the real estate business, speed... Read More
Get your free booklet on how your real estate website can compete on Google
Remember the old days when people tried to manipulate their search rankings on Google?
They would put a certain phrase at the bottom of their site perhaps 100 times.
Munchkinville Real Estate… Munchkinville Real Estate… Munchkinville Real Estate… Munchkinville Real Estate…... Read More
Offer something positive to sellers under pressure to cut prices
When I watch the HGTV show “Real Estate Intervention” it makes me think of another show, the WWE Raw Wrestling.
That’s because in the mind of the home seller, the pricing suffers a major beatdown.
But does it all have to be about reducing the price?
What about approaching... Read More
Competing against the big boys of real estate
There’s a strategy in the military that says when you are battling a larger army, don’t fight them head on. Find their... Read More
Data is "lighter these days" so load it up on your real estate website
While there is always the usual amount of bad news going around, there was one major bit of great news recently that few people seemed to notice.
And this bit of news has implications for anybody who owns a website.
IBM just announced the launch of their Sequoia BlueGene Q supercomputer and its stature as the fastest... Read More
Data is “lighter these days” so load it up on your real estate website
While there is always the usual amount of bad news going around, there was one major bit of great news recently that few people seemed to notice.
And this bit of news has implications for anybody who owns a website.
IBM just announced the launch of their Sequoia BlueGene Q supercomputer and its stature as the fastest... Read More
Is WordPress just for private bloggers? Just ask GM, EBay, Forbes and CNN. It’s also perfect for real estate
If you are in the real estate biz, there may be a misconception floating around about the web platform WordPress.
Because it’s free and used by some 500,000 bloggers, first impressions might be that users are mostly moms sitting in kitchens venting about husbands and kids and sharing their feelings.
That perception could be detrimental to you.
Because, WordPress is more than a personal blog site. There’s a major reason why there are 74 million WordPress-powered Web sites out there, many used by major businesses.
For proof consider this:
Several... Read More
Are you still cruising the information highway in that same old clunker?
You know sometimes a website can feel like car.
For example, if you’ve been driving the same old bucket of bolts for the past several years, you’re probably getting tired of it.
It’s getting worn around the edges – coffee stains on the seat, leather cracked on the door handle, air doesn’t blow cold.
The darn thing just doesn’t seem to have the same pep it had when you bought it.
Then, you see the new cars that are out there. Bluetooth embedded in the dashboard for taking calls in your car. Pre-installed XMSirius radio providing every conceivable... Read More
Agents on "Million Dollar Listing" emphasize "lifestyle" and you should too
Have you ever watched Million Dollar Listing? It’s a show on the Bravo network where three 30-somethings sell real estate in Malibu and Hollywood.
With their luxury cars, weird haircuts, and super-wealthy clients, this almost seems like a fantasy reality show.
Their names are even trendy – Madison, Chad and Josh (what, no Biff?).
I watched it the other day and almost fell off the couch when one of the young men proudly declared, “I don’t sell just real estate. I sell a lifestyle.”
Like nobody, including the rich, has ever... Read More
Agents on “Million Dollar Listing” emphasize “lifestyle” and you should too
Have you ever watched Million Dollar Listing? It’s a show on the Bravo network where three 30-somethings sell real estate in Malibu and Hollywood.
With their luxury cars, weird haircuts, and super-wealthy clients, this almost seems like a fantasy reality show.
Their names are even trendy – Madison, Chad and Josh (what, no Biff?).
I watched it the other day and almost fell off the couch when one of the young men proudly declared, “I don’t sell just real estate. I sell a lifestyle.”
Like nobody, including the rich, has ever... Read More
Facebook is everywhere and you should be too
Here’s a parlor game.
Try to name all the things that have become “ubiquitous” in your life.
Ubiquitous is defined as “seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once.”
Cell phones – sure. Starbucks – almost. Facebook – definitely.
You got to admit, every company would love to have the incredibly free promotion of its product that Facebook enjoys.
Companies that pay top dollar to advertise on the web, in newspapers and magazines AND on television are all adding a note that says something to the effect... Read More
Some say give sellers a reality-check to secure listings
Real estate professionals Liz and Bill Spear have a point about getting real when it comes to prospective listing clients.
Basically they say, don’t necessarily count on us, or any one listing agent to get you the right buyer, Mr. and Mrs. Home Seller. The reality is, they will probably... Read More
You can now be the source of custom maps for home buyers
The deejays on the radio posed an interesting question the other day: “What are some of the items you used five years ago that you don’t use today?”
The pay phone is one. I challenge you to find one. They’re all gone. Phone books are going by the wayside. Record stores are rare these days. Video rental places like... Read More
How promoting local business will get you business
I don’t know if you noticed lately, but there seems to be this new obsession with an old commodity.
I’m not talking about oil or gold. I’m talking about bacon.
People are crazy over this pork delicacy. There’s bacon ice cream, bacon wrapping paper, bacon-flavored candy necklaces.
So how would a savvy Realtor take advantage of this trend? Or any trend for that matter? Or any subject of intense interest?
Put a local spin on it. Tie it into your blog.
Follow me here.
For example, say you found a local restaurant that just makes the best bacon,... Read More
Your secret weapon to land more FSBOs
Sure, we know the real estate business is tough. And continues to get tougher.
We hear it from our clients all the time – banks have gone overboard on loan requirements, consumers have let their credit scores go and some buyers have lost their minds when it comes to making a realistic offer.
You have our sympathies. We’re here to help.
For there is a silicon lining to every cloud and when it comes to FSBOs, nowadays smart real estate agents have a huge advantage. They possess a very compelling argument they did not have before.
You can thank Google for... Read More
Win the battle for buyers and sellers with the latest real estate technology
If you watch the History channel about famous battles, you might notice that many times it isn’t who has the most troops who wins, but it’s some form of new technology that actually makes the difference.
Crossbows could fire an arrow 350-400 yards, better than a conventional arrow.
Chain mail could lessen a deadly blow from a... Read More
ReMax agent makes sure he has his area covered from river to bay
How unique is your real estate site compared to the other 3 billion?
Have you conducted a search lately on Google for the keywords “real estate?”
I wouldn’t suggest it.
Because just when you think you got yourself a really cool site, you might be a little disappointed to find out there are 3.7 billion other real estate-related sites out there competing for the same phrase. That’s a 3 followed by three 7s and 6 zeroes.
Now of course, this example is an exaggeration.
Naturally, your web site will have less competition for local searches in your local market.
But still, there’s a ton of... Read More
Tools for dealing with Google's real estate search dominance on smartphones
Have you participated in a conversation lately and someone asks, “Who was that guy who played in the movie (insert title here)?
“You know who I’m talking about, the guy with the (insert unique character traits here).”
After a few minutes of everyone wracking their brains, someone finally pulls out their smartphone and finds the answer in nanoseconds.
Are you taking a close look at what is occurring here?
Your smartphone is no longer just a phone. It’s an information device. And you might take a closer look at how this is changing the... Read More
Tools for dealing with Google’s real estate search dominance on smartphones
Have you participated in a conversation lately and someone asks, “Who was that guy who played in the movie (insert title here)?
“You know who I’m talking about, the guy with the (insert unique character traits here).”
After a few minutes of everyone wracking their brains, someone finally pulls out their smartphone and finds the answer in nanoseconds.
Are you taking a close look at what is occurring here?
Your smartphone is no longer just a phone. It’s an information device. And you might take a closer look at how this is changing the... Read More
Retirees make shorter-distance moves; want services close by
The American Dream used to be: find a decent job, raise some kids, support your community, fix up your house and then when you retired, dump it all and move to Florida.
Retirees are still moving to Florida, but surprisingly not so much.
According to US Census data, in 1990 one of... Read More
Turnquist Partners shows high-tech commitment to agents and clients
Some real estate companies say they support their agents with the latest technology and some real estate companies put it right in their mission statement.
And right on the home page of their web site.
Turnquist Partners, based in Austin, TX., is one of those real estate companies that walks the talk.
“Our business philosophy embodies a commitment from our associates to provide the highest degree of knowledge and expertise needs to meet our clients’ real estate needs,” states their web site. “Sales associates are provided with state-of-the art computer... Read More
Are you addressing home buyers concerns about how those miles add up?
In economics, we are taught the magic of compounding is a beautiful thing.
Right now interest rates are unusually low for certain financial instruments. But even today, you could get 5% interest on a 10-year corporate bond.
Buy the bond for $1000 and 10 years from now with compounding interest, that money magically grows... Read More
When selling real estate, are you obeying the “law of geography?”
There seem to be a bunch of very unique laws out there. I’m not talking about regulations against speeding or stealing.
But laws concerning big ticket items – Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, or the Law of Large Numbers.
There’s one law that everybody in the real estate profession should be familiar with: The Law of Geography.
It was developed by a brilliant American-Swiss doctor of geography, Waldo Tobler (not that other Waldo, although, you could make a connection because it does involve places).
The First Law of Geography states:... Read More
When selling real estate, are you obeying the "law of geography?"
There seem to be a bunch of very unique laws out there. I’m not talking about regulations against speeding or stealing.
But laws concerning big ticket items – Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, or the Law of Large Numbers.
There’s one law that everybody in the real estate profession should be familiar with: The Law of Geography.
It was developed by a brilliant American-Swiss doctor of geography, Waldo Tobler (not that other Waldo, although, you could make a connection because it does involve places).
The First Law of Geography states:... Read More
Deloitte designates “Geospatial Visualization” as one of the top Tech Trends this year…and we’ve got it
Remember all those years of... Read More
Deloitte designates "Geospatial Visualization" as one of the top Tech Trends this year…and we've got it
Remember all those years of... Read More
When a development provides ‘no amenities,’ use a positive spin
It makes sense that real estate would be booming in a city that never sleeps – NYC.
Believe it or not, some experts say those insane housing prices in New York City are a bargain.
Sure, they are high, but they are not hysterically high like in Tokyo or London or Paris.
There are other factors causing the boom – super low interest rates in the US, inquiries from overseas investors and a scramble by Wall Street wonders who now apparently have more faith in real estate than in the stocks they sell.
This has caused some interesting trends, including a rush to... Read More
When a development provides 'no amenities,' use a positive spin
It makes sense that real estate would be booming in a city that never sleeps – NYC.
Believe it or not, some experts say those insane housing prices in New York City are a bargain.
Sure, they are high, but they are not hysterically high like in Tokyo or London or Paris.
There are other factors causing the boom – super low interest rates in the US, inquiries from overseas investors and a scramble by Wall Street wonders who now apparently have more faith in real estate than in the stocks they sell.
This has caused some interesting trends, including a rush to... Read More
Is your approach to real estate stuck in the dark ages of 2001?
I just love those commercials where the two mobile phone users seem to know everything that is going on at a football game or in their office before anybody else does.
Their saying is: “Oh, that was so 17 seconds ago.”
The commercials are amusing. And Read More
You can enhance the traits of what it takes to be a successful Realtor
Business philosopher Jim Rohn once said, “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.”
Everyone knows the old sports adage, when things go wrong, it’s time to get back to the fundamentals.
Steve Gutstein, a certified... Read More
This year, use the right technology to farm a neighborhood
When it comes to farming a community, there’s one guy in Daytona Beach, Fla., who is a real pro.
According to RealtorMag, of the 649 residences in the Fairway Estates community, Ed Savard has either listed or sold one out of three of them.
One out of three! That’s not a farm, that’s a gold mine!
The article says his strategies are simple: Pick a Target (hopefully a place not too oversaturated with agents) Read More
Vague resolutions are worthless, specific action is priceless
Here we go again. A new year. A time to reassess where we are and where we want to be.
It’s funny how we as humans all seem to come up with the same resolutions every year.
I’m sure you’ve seen the list.
1) Quit smoking
2) Get fit
3) Lose... Read More
How the newest tech trends in 2012 will affect your real estate business
The tech gurus at Mashable came out with their 10 trends to watch in 2012 and savvy Realtors will pay close attention to the list.
It’s rather obvious that most new trends coming up make it is easier for web users to reach out to each other.
As a result, you are going to see much more... Read More
Old-fashion mortgage rates combined with the latest technology can make home sales happen
When my father sold the home I grew up in, he told me an amazing fact.
“You know, when I bought this house back in the 60s,” he said with a grin, “The interest rate on my mortgage was only 4%.”
Ah, the good old days. If only life was that simple again. Better times. Lawrence Welk. Ed... Read More
Real estate broker calls SpatialMatch his 'Magic Map'
Everyone in business knows, you don’t always get feedback from a satisfied customer. Many times they are just too busy.
But when one of your clients refers to your product as “magic,” well, you just gotta listen.
That’s what happened at Team X Real Estate in Los Angeles.
Broker Emmanuel Xuereb wrote in his blog that he has added the SpatialMatch IDX and lifestyle search engine to his web site.
It is “the most incredible new technology for searching properties,” Emmanuel writes. “And we are the... Read More
Real estate broker calls SpatialMatch his ‘Magic Map’
Everyone in business knows, you don’t always get feedback from a satisfied customer. Many times they are just too busy.
But when one of your clients refers to your product as “magic,” well, you just gotta listen.
That’s what happened at Team X Real Estate in Los Angeles.
Broker Emmanuel Xuereb wrote in his blog that he has added the SpatialMatch IDX and lifestyle search engine to his web site.
It is “the most incredible new technology for searching properties,” Emmanuel writes. “And we are the... Read More
How to truly motivate agents in your office in 2012
Have you ever dragged your employees to listen to a motivational speaker?
Or tried to pump them up with lunch or some other promotion?
And then got frustrated because after a few days it didn’t seem to work?
There’s a new year coming and everybody naturally wants to do better in... Read More
Taking IDX search to the next level in push technology
When it comes to search technology today, it reminds me of the Rolling Stones’ lyrics, “You can’t always get what you want.”
Now, I appreciate the wonders of search engines such as Google and Bing as much as anybody.
But, it’s been a few years now and frankly, it could be better.
For... Read More
Add this lifestyle checklist to impress buyers…and sellers
Let’s face it, people love lists.
Take David Letterman’s Top Ten List from the Late Show.
That feature has been a mainstay on the show, get this, since Sept. 18, 1985.
That means the show’s writers have been creating that list every work day for 26 years (not including reruns,... Read More
Search tool condenses real estate data into one simple image
Use lifestyle marketing post cards to dig out more listings
It’s a great feeling. As a real estate broker or agent, you are in a market where buyers are swarming to your door. Picking up houses as fast as you can list them.
To get more inventory you send out a postcard to a neighborhood you are farming. The mailing declares: “We have buyers. It’s a seller’s market in your neighborhood and people are generating top dollar for their homes.”
Sweet, right? Well, as a seasoned real estate professional, you realize it’s not Christmas every day of the year. Things change. The market fluctuates.
The pros know... Read More
How to position your market area as a candidate for the list of “Great Neighborhoods”
If you watch the hit NBC show, Parks and Recreation, you probably cringe every... Read More
How to position your market area as a candidate for the list of "Great Neighborhoods"
If you watch the hit NBC show, Parks and Recreation, you probably cringe every... Read More
How to cash in on the “walkability” craze
The term “walkability” is a hot new buzzword in real estate circles.
Most of you have a rough idea of what it means just by the word itself. But walkability involves more than just putting one foot in front of the other.
Basically, the term concerns how-user friendly a certain part of a community is designed. It asks the basic question: how easy is it for people to not only walk but shop, visit, mingle, enjoy or spend time in an environment? How “pedestrian” is it?
Factors to consider include sidewalks, bicycle paths, traffic, road conditions, safety... Read More
How to cash in on the "walkability" craze
The term “walkability” is a hot new buzzword in real estate circles.
Most of you have a rough idea of what it means just by the word itself. But walkability involves more than just putting one foot in front of the other.
Basically, the term concerns how-user friendly a certain part of a community is designed. It asks the basic question: how easy is it for people to not only walk but shop, visit, mingle, enjoy or spend time in an environment? How “pedestrian” is it?
Factors to consider include sidewalks, bicycle paths, traffic, road conditions, safety... Read More
How to sell a home with a glass of milk
You know, for all the talk about lifestyle marketing – locating near a golf course, or choosing a Bordeaux from a home with a wine cellar or soaking in that Jacuzzi, there’s one very simple and fundamental item Realtors definitely don’t want to overlook.
Grocery stores.
According to... Read More
With SpatialMatch you can make nearly any property "family-friendly"
There is probably no more appealing phrase to a person looking to buy a house than “family-friendly community.”
It just has a nice, wholesome ring to it, doesn’t it? Conjures up an image from “The Beaver” with mom inside the house cooking and kids playing... Read More
With SpatialMatch you can make nearly any property “family-friendly”
There is probably no more appealing phrase to a person looking to buy a house than “family-friendly community.”
It just has a nice, wholesome ring to it, doesn’t it? Conjures up an image from “The Beaver” with mom inside the house cooking and kids playing... Read More
Know what is now important to home buyers
There are different ways you can look at negative statistics.
And nobody is better at this than real estate professionals who periodically have to cope with negative news stories.
But it’s the savvy broker or agent with an optimistic outlook who knows how to find that... Read More
How to start your own hyper-local LinkedIn group
I guess the first question to ask regarding starting a hyper-local LinkedIn group is, should you?
Many people are not familiar with LinkedIn. A simple description would be – it’s like Facebook for business people.
Most members are business people. You can create a Profile, join and form Groups, Network... Read More
Use lifestyle marketing as one more tool to land valuable FSBOs
Every so often something ironic/amusing happens that puts a smile on your face and makes you appreciate just how fortunate you are to be a real estate professional on... Read More
Show visitors how to use search tools and find data on your site
Did you ever buy something that was a tad complex – e.g. a digital camera, plasma TV or sound system, only to discover later there were these cool features you could have been using all along?
Tools and data on real estate sites are the same way.
In today’s stimuli-swamped environment, you just can’t assume your clients/visitors are going to get the most out of all those search tools and data you loaded onto your site.
These people have other things on their minds, you know, like bills, kids, careers, their favorite sports team and who will win the next Dancing... Read More
How real estate brokers and agents can offer added value
Hyper-local networking ideas for mortgage companies
(This is the... Read More
How hyper-local search tools can help mortgage lenders
Mortgage brokers can greatly benefit from the same hyper-local social media strategies that Realtors use to attract customers.
But hyper-local does not mean hype. If you are going to be a successful mortgage blogger you need to provide... Read More
WordPress – the NEXT big thing for real estate agents
Notice how things have changed in the past few years?
Remember when cell phones were huge, the size of a clunky home telephone?
Then they got smaller and smaller.
Then they got bigger – because you could shoot video with them; record video with them; and watch a live video with them. Wow!
Facebook just added live video chat. Oh, Google+, Google’s new alternative to Facebook, already has video chat. In fact, they have video Group chat.
Technological changes are coming so fast, they’re almost too subtle to notice.
But what about your web site?... Read More
This year's top real estate movie award goes to….
Isn’t great to see a low-budget film make it big?
Independent movies like “Little Miss Sunshine” or “Sideways.”
Movies that don’t have overpaid movies stars and cost a gazillion to make and make you wonder after two hours, wouldn’t all that money have been better spent, say, rebuilding a country.
Our nomination for independent Real Estate Movie of the Year has to go Mark Richert’s film titled “I Want to Live Near a Starbucks.”
It’s only 2:13 minutes long. But it touches the lives of nearly every... Read More
This year’s top real estate movie award goes to….
Isn’t great to see a low-budget film make it big?
Independent movies like “Little Miss Sunshine” or “Sideways.”
Movies that don’t have overpaid movies stars and cost a gazillion to make and make you wonder after two hours, wouldn’t all that money have been better spent, say, rebuilding a country.
Our nomination for independent Real Estate Movie of the Year has to go Mark Richert’s film titled “I Want to Live Near a Starbucks.”
It’s only 2:13 minutes long. But it touches the lives of nearly every... Read More
How to position yourself as a true relocation specialist
Attracting people looking to relocate has always been an essential part of any real estate agent’s job.
But there is one major factor that has changed how people relocate to another city — it’s called the internet.
Instead of calling a few agents at random (and hoping they... Read More
Secrets on how Realtors can use Facebook search to find new clients
You might not know this, but with about 500 million searches per month, Facebook is becoming one very, very popular search engine.
(The founders of Google know this all too well and it’s giving them major agita. And any time there’s something that’s of concern to a billionaire, you... Read More
SpatialMatch continues to integrate IDX listings with lifestyle search across the US, including the latest in St. Louis area
Hundreds of brokers and agents continue to add the SpatialMatch® IDX with Lifestyle Search Engine to their websites.
SpatialMatch just integrated the IDX listings in the St. Louis market and the response from real estate agents is very, very positive.
“As soon as I saw it... Read More
Online Dominance real estate program features SpatialMatch in hour-long video
Michael J. Russer, aka Mr. Internet, is a very popular guy in the real estate business.
His Online Dominance Mentoring Program is unlike traditional coaching and training programs – he takes a unique, and we might add, very effective and high-powered approach to turning real estate agents into online real estate superstars.
So, we were very impressed and grateful when Mike presented an hour-long forum on our SpatialMatch neighborhood and lifestyle search engine to about 100 of his colleagues.
“I’ve always been on the lookout for those things that can help you... Read More
Home buyers want more control over information and your job is easier when you give them the right tools
Have you ever read an article online, got riled up, and looked for a way to leave a comment, only to discover that 6,014 people already posted their opinion on that subject.
It’s hard to imagine the old days when the most... Read More
Top real estate blogs we like and hope you do too
It’s easy nowadays to write a blog about real estate.
All you do is go online to conduct some research, maybe take a side trip to check on how Lindsay Lohan is doing, get yourself a coffee, turn on the tube to see today’s weather, wonder how anybody can watch Jerry Springer, take a nap, call a friend, feed your farm and then Bam!, several hours later you... Read More
How Realtors can work their way into hyperlocal news sites
Remember that song “Everybody is doin’ a brand new dance now. Come on baby, do the locomotion?”
With all the big players jumping into the hyperlocal content arena, it makes me think of a new version: “Come on... Read More
Specific strategies on how you can use SpatialMatch to retain early-stage home buyers
Last week we talked about some hyperlocal strategies to keep control of those early-stage buyers and avoid the horror of them traipsing off somewhere else and ending up with another company …and you lose the sale.
In today’s market, we highly recommend you put added emphasis on keeping in contact with the early-stage buyers. There’s so much competition out there, not just from other agents, but on the national level.
Now you have popular real estate sites including Google, Zillow, Trulia, and even Realtor.com which can pull those buyers away from you.
This is one... Read More
Having trouble keeping your early-stage home buyers? Read these three simple tips.
You are not alone! The How-to-Keep-Early-Stage-Buyers-Interested has perplexed Realtors forever. This will help.
First of all, in any business, it helps to have the right mindset. You must envision the prospect as a sale even if you believe that they are only uncommitted ‘looky-lous’.
Why? Because these early stage buyers could mean a mini-sweepstakes prize for you IF YOU KEEP THEM ENGAGED. They themselves may or may not buy a home, but you can be sure that they are talking to their friends about it.
Oh by the way, their friends may be getting ready... Read More
Buzz starting to build about SpatialMatch’s neighborhood/lifestyle search tool
It’s all smiles around the office this week as we received a tremendous boost for SpatialMatch with both a plug on national TV and coverage by a leading real... Read More
Buzz starting to build about SpatialMatch’s neighborhood/lifestyle search tool

It’s all smiles around the office this week as we received a tremendous boost for SpatialMatch with both a plug on national TV and coverage by a leading real estate technology columnist.
We’ll start with TV. A Fox Business reporter interviewed Joseph Vranich, a business relocation coach, about how businesses are... Read More
The great debate – how Realtors should promote themselves on Facebook. Got ideas?
Last week we ran a blog with some tips for Realtors on how they should use Facebook to promote their business. It elicited quite a few comments, many of which were posted on Linkedin groups.
There are a few items up for debate concerning the use of Facebook and we thought we would continue the conversation.
First, we’re still hearing from some in the biz that Facebook is useless. Well, we hope to change the mind of those folks y saying... Read More
Realtors: Use Facebook to establish yourself as the hyperlocal expert
I have to laugh. I recently saw an old comment from a Realtor complaining about Facebook.
It went something like this: “Facebook is useless. “It’s just a bunch of 18-22 year olds looking for the next hot party.”
That... Read More
Inman News features the benefits of SpatialMatch and "hyperlocalism"

Geez, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
The popular real estate technology web site, Inman News, recently posted an article by columnist Bernice Ross touting SpatialMatch and the importance of “hyperlocalism.”
Bernice is no neophyte to the real estate profession. She has more than 30 years experience, is a Certified Master Coach, and is the author of two books. Including her latest one – “Real Estate Dough: Your Recipe for Real Estate Success.”
When it comes to marketing an entire lifestyle, rather than just a home, Bernice sees the pixels on the... Read More
Inman News features the benefits of SpatialMatch and “hyperlocalism”
Geez, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
The popular real estate technology web site, Inman News, recently posted an article by columnist Bernice Ross touting SpatialMatch and the importance of “hyperlocalism.”
Bernice is no neophyte to the real estate profession. She has more than 30 years experience, is a Certified Master Coach, and is the author... Read More