One item that will help you with the Silver Tsunami
Oh, it’s coming all right. Seventy-seven million baby boomers are getting ready to retire. Currently, 10,000 retire every day.
Just like the Woodstock era, the boom and the housing boom, this giant bubble will create a profound effect on retirement in America.
What does this mean for real estate professionals?
You are going to have a gigantic wave of people selling their homes (where they raised a family) and buying homes (downsizing to smaller).
A tsunami of silver-haired people selling and buying. That has a nice ring to it.
But beware. Boomers are not the same type of consumer as their parents. As you can imagine, the people who wore tie-dye shirts, bell bottoms and listened to Frank Zappa are going to have their own quirks and idiosyncrasies.
That’s why you don’t want to use the same approach you used when selling or listing real estate that you used with boomer parents.
That’s why a state-of-the art IDX, Lifestyle and Neighborhood search engine such as SpatialMatch can give you the right tool to meet the preferences of baby boomers.
For example, research shows that boomers are researchers. Their parents might have taken information in at face value and were fine with that.
But boomers are not. And armed with this thing called the Internet, boomers want the option of drilling down into a subject on their own. They want to do their own due diligence, so to speak.
So, provide them with information, but give them a tool that provides the opportunity for them to dig deeper.
SpatialMatch is perfect for that. The platform, which is embedded on your site so you keep that prospect, allows people to search for homes and search what’s available near those homes.
It’s a gigantic database of schools, businesses, parks, golf courses, yoga studios, bookstores, transportation facilities, hospitals, etc., etc. etc.
And it comes with distance sliders, so they can research how close they want to be to the amenities they want.
And it comes in a cool design with great color, just like an iPad or Android app. This is the Steve Jobs generation (he was a boomer). They want something that is vibrant and something you can navigate with the click of a mouse, not something that is drab with just lines upon lines of text. SpatialMatch provides that “groovy” type of experience.
There’s another very important characteristic of the boomer generation brokers and agents need to know.
Boomers are not necessarily brand loyal. Their parents might have purchased a Chrysler every four years for forty years.
But boomers are open to change. (Because, remember, to them it’s all about change, being different than their parents).
This is an older generation that will listen to new ideas. This is an incredible opening for Realtors.
Show them, that when it comes to real estate, you have something new and cool. You have the greatest home and lifestyle search tool on the planet embedded on your site.
You are going to show them how you will use that tool to find them the BEST house that will fit not only their home needs, but their lifestyle needs as well.
For sellers, show them how you are going to use this incredible technology to position their property as not just a great house, but in a FANTASTIC location next to the best schools, parks, downtown, whatever.
Steve Job’s Apple Computer was famous for its slogan – Think Different.
When it comes to this enormous tide of tech-savvy retirees about to hit the marketplace, you need to be different, or your chances to monetize this demographic surge will be washed away.
For a “far-out” view of SpatialMatch technology in action click here.