Know your neighbor’s shopping habits

But we’re not alone. Everybody in the world has their own unique perspective on shopping. And when you compare the shopping habits of people in the US with those abroad, it can give you a whole different perspective.
That perspective can be important to a real estate professional. And a tool that can aid in the power of shopping attitudes is the map-based SpatialMatch real estate and neighborhood search tool.
In a recent study of 13,500 shoppers in North America and Western Europe by Leo Burnett/Arc Worldwide, there were some very interesting results about Americans and how we compare to others.
For example:
We are 45% more likely to be coupon-driven than other countries.
24% more likely to shop at warehouse style stores.
45% more likely to get our shopping done as soon as possible.
27% more likely to buy pre-owned items if it will save money.
55% more likely to buy on price.
Interesting, right?
Could this information be valuable when pointing out on SpatialMatch the relative location of a property to say a Costco, or a grocery store down the street, or a pre-owned car dealer like CarMax or a super Wal-Mart?
Of course it is.
The message is loud and clear.
In today’s America, for the most part people are cost-conscious. They might not tell you that, but as you can see by the study, they have that mindset.
With SpatialMatch, you can help a home buyer search for homes with a quick, accurate IDX that will post the latest MLS listings.
Those listings will come with a colorful display of photos, detailed data and a map-based projection of similar properties available in any designated area.
When the home seeker finds one or two properties that fit their criteria, then you can help that home buyer search their surrounding area for the local amenities that are important to them.
Guess which amenities are likely to be at the top of most people’s lists?
Places where they can find great prices, great promotions and great access so they can get there, make a purchse and get back home.
Sure 44% of Italians are more likely to touch something before buying it. Or take the French, where 7% are more likely to shop just for the fun of it.
But your market is here. Cater to the local market. To learn more about the SpatialMatch real estate map search tool and how you can answer the needs of most shoppers, click here.
To read about the shopping habits in different countries, click here.