How ready are you when a company opens or relocates?

One major discussion that has taken center stage in this presidential election concerns jobs.

And one thing that real estate professionals do well is to keep their ears to the ground for the sound of economic development in their area.

When a new manufacturing plant opens up (they are in some southern states) or when a company relocates their headquarters it means one thing to a broker or agent – people are going to be buying homes, quickly.

There is a battle going on between states, even counties, for economic development. They have departments devoted solely to luring businesses to their state or area.

The competition is intense. Some states give away land. Some provide training.

Most nowadays offer tax abatements – your company hires so many people at a certain wage, and the government will waive your taxes.

Heck, they might even give you money for every job you create –the battle for jobs is that stiff.

Because in today’s business climate, every politician loves to boast about how many jobs they created (even if the CEO just happened to move there because he liked the weather/golf/fishing/etc.)

The same thing with Realtors. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s like a gold rush. People are relocating and they want houses now – agents and brokers scramble for these buyers and the listings they will need to house them.

Think how you can position yourself ahead of the competition with a hyper-local IDX and Neighborhood Search Engine like SpatialMatch.

With SpatialMatch’s map-based platform, you can show the location of the new plant or headquarters…and then you can show buyers all the homes for sales in the vicinity.

It’s like displaying a real estate smorgasbord. A veritable buffet of properties.

Got a prospect who still can’t decide between this home and that home. Well, SpatialMatch has a solution for that.

Ask the buyer what their interests are. Do they like to golf, jog in a park, shop at the mall, work out at a gym?

With SpatialMatch’s extensive database of businesses, you can pull up the lifestyle amenities that meet the needs of the buyer (and you certainly want to show sellers how you can do this as well).

Many times, relocating buyers know they need to make a decision quickly. The company wants them there, the kids need to enroll in school and their co-workers are also out there grabbing all the best properties.

When they use SpatialMatch embedded on your site, they have the ability to email search results to perhaps an anxious spouse waiting 1,000 miles away.

Bottom line – SpatialMatch helps them make a decision quickly. That makes them happy. That makes them a great referral.

When companies move, things happen swiftly.

Make sure you have the right tools to act swiftly. That’s how most battles are won.

The prize – more homes sales. The big prize, finding a home for that CEO.

Below is a SpatialMatch screenshot of Charlotte, NC, a center of banking for the entire US. And there’s a listing for a $1.6 million home, right where a CEO or executive VP will want to live.

To see how SpatialMatch can help you, click here.