How the newest tech trends in 2012 will affect your real estate business
The tech gurus at Mashable came out with their 10 trends to watch in 2012 and savvy Realtors will pay close attention to the list.
It’s rather obvious that most new trends coming up make it is easier for web users to reach out to each other.
As a result, you are going to see much more information, some useful, most of it worthless and boring, flying around the web.
What’s the underlying issue here? Especially for real estate agents and brokers?
You absolutely need to have great content if your messages are going to stand above this extra noise. That means relevant content, local content, easy-to-absorb content.
A state-of-the art IDX combined with a lifestyle search engine such as SpatialMatch should be on your list of how you are going to generate that great content. Great hyper-local info.
The SpatialMatch search engine comes with billions of bits of local listings and local neighborhood data all combined into a colorful, user-friendly interface. That’s going to give you an edge, content-wise.
Your blog, your emails, your posting on your web site won’t be enough. Everybody’s doing that.
But don’t take our word for it, here are the top trends coming your way and we’ll start with the ones that will have a direct impact on how real estate information is dispensed.
1) Touch – touch screens like the ones on your iPhone and Android will become even more prevalent, making it easier to move through pages on a web site.
2) Social Gestures – lots of stuff you post is going to go right up on automatically on Facebook and other social sites. Are your posts going to be interesting?
3) Beyond the iPad – more devices are coming out to compete with the iPad, like the lower-priced Kindle. Everybody’s going to have one soon. That means even more time spent online.
4) Voice – the future is here. Voice commands to help you navigate faster will be arriving soon.
5) Spatial Gestures – moving web pages and info on a screen in the air just like the movies is coming down the pike as well.
6) Flexible screens – this one, we believe, is going to be huge. It’s no secret, desktop computers are going away. Laptops are okay, but will soon seem too clunky, especially when all you need is a smart phone. The only thing missing is a larger screen. Well, that’s now on the way.
Other trends include Mobile Payments, TV Shows you can access everywhere, Second Screen interaction with TVs and advanced HTML5 coding.
As we said, the key to taking advantage of all this new technology is going to be the useful information you can provide.
Home buyers and sellers are going to be using this technology in 2012. The web is going to be even more omnipresent than before (if you can believe that).
Where are you going to be in 2012? On the tech bus speeding down the information superhighway? Or left behind, using the same approach you’ve used online and offline for the past five years?
Move fast, add great content and prosper.
Happy New Year from the folks at Home Junction Inc.
To read the Mashable article, go here.
To find out how SpatialMatch can enhance your site in 2012, click here.