Buzz starting to build about SpatialMatch’s neighborhood/lifestyle search tool

It’s all smiles around the office this week as we received a tremendous boost for SpatialMatch with both a plug on national TV and coverage by a leading real estate technology columnist.
We’ll start with TV. A Fox Business reporter interviewed Joseph Vranich, a business relocation coach, about how businesses are fleeing California for a number of reasons.
Both the reporter and Vranich cite several factors driving corporations away. But toward the end of the interview, Vranich points out that California remains an entrepreneurial state as evidenced by many innovative companies are still choosing to stay.
He mentions he works with one company, Home Junction (that’s us) and adds it’s a “business that will revolutionize real estate.” Wow. Thanks for that!
Tech Savvy Agent is one of the top, if not the top, blog on technology and real estate. Co-creator Chris interviewed our VP Grant Gould about SpatialMatch and points out how this tool combines a lifestyle search with a search for a home, and in today’s market, both are equally important.
After the interview, Chris of Tech Savvy Agent wrote “I am SOLD this is going to be the way consumers will find properties in the future having just gone through the process and adding SpatialMatch or a comparable solution to your website will not be optional.”
John Perkins, Home Junction Inc. CEO summarizes the moving force behind the buzz. “These experts recognize that consumers are choosing and spending money with agents who can inform them about more than just housing. Today’s agent and their website must be able to offer hyperlocal neighborhood information and lifestyle search tools.”
You can watch the Fox Business video here.
And here’s the link to the video and article on Tech Savvy Agent.