Add this lifestyle checklist to impress buyers…and sellers

Let’s face it, people love lists.

Take David Letterman’s Top Ten List from the Late Show.

That feature has been a mainstay on the show, get this, since Sept. 18, 1985.

That means the show’s writers have been creating that list every work day for 26 years (not including reruns, etc.).

That’s a lot of lists.

Citing burnout, Letterman once thought about dropping this popular feature from the show. But the demand was so great from the public, he just couldn’t do it.

(By the way, the first Top Ten List, “The Top Ten Things That Almost Rhyme With Peas” was originally created as a spoof of People magazine and it’s continually goofy lists such as “Ten Worst Dressed”).

So we established that people love lists. Here’s another thing people love – things that support the lifestyle activities they like to do.

To set your real estate firm apart from the competition, why don’t you offer a simple feature on your site:  “Fill out our Neighborhood Amenities Checklist so we can find the home that fits your lifestyle needs.”

For example, you could easily add a page with this list of questions:

1)      What are your favorite activities, eg, golfing, jogging, swimming, biking, hiking, going to the gym, etc?

2)      What government services do you regularly use – library, pool, parks?

3)      What type of schools are you looking for? Public, private, adult education?

4)      What stores do you shop on a regular basis? Boutique clothing, malls, wholesale stores such as Costco?

5)      What is your favorite type of restaurant?

6)      What do you like to do for entertainment? Eg, go to the movies, attend a community theater, play bingo?

7)      Do you need to be near health care facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes, etc.

8)      What other neighborhood amenities would you like to see nearby?

Who wouldn’t want a home that comes with a list of several places nearby that fill their personal preferences?

Then, to really impress prospects, use your SpatialMatch lifestyle search tool to create pages that show these amenities near the type of home these buyers want.

You can easily email clients a link to these pages.

Imagine the glee in a home buyer’s eye when they see a bright, visually-appealing page, showing the ideal home accompanied by a map showing the property surrounded by several of their favorite things to do.

That’s the power of lists.

You can create lists for fun, as Letterman does.

Or, you can create lists for profit. As a savvy real estate professional does.

For a demo of the SpatialMatch lifestyle search tool that can be easily embedded on your site and make you the lifestyle marketing expert in your town, click here.