SpatialMatch is the first neighborhood search platform to feature Facebook Share technology
This week marks the release of the movie, “The Social Network.” It’s the story of how some college kid created a program to help students find a way to hook up with one another, and a few years later 500 million people joined the party.
You guessed it. The movie is about Mark Zuckerberg and social gathering phenomenon we know as Facebook.
Coincidentally, this is also the week that SpatialMatch releases a powerful new Facebook feature that will make real estate agents who use our technology become even more recognized as the hyperlocal experts in their neighborhoods.
Now, when you conduct a search on our mapping platform for any number of the 104 layers of data that is offered, you can “share” that information with your friends on Facebook.
A home buyer can simply find a home they are considering based on their preferences for proximity to churches, schools, work, parks, restaurants, etc. Then they can hit the Facebook icon on the page, and a link to that search will be posted on their wall.
The ramifications of this for real estate agents and brokers is enormous. We’re social creatures. We know the value of bouncing ideas and questions off of our friends.
A Realtor who provides the SpatialMatch search platform, now has another valuable feature they can provide to their prospects.
Agents can advise prospects, “Hey, after you finished your search, why don’t you post this information on your Facebook page and get feedback from your friends?”
This will be a tremendous help for home buyers with their decisions. And more importantly, it will give the home buyer a sense of assurance that they are working with the right real estate office because they get to use this incredible neighborhood search technology free of charge.
Another benefit for Realtors, is that they will receive an email notification every time an end-user shares information with their friends. This creates a great opportunity for the agent to comment on the home buyers wall, creating more awareness for themselves.
“This obviously makes SpatialMatch a powerful social marketing tool,” said Grant Gould, vice president, “Getting involved in conversations about hyper-local subjects in the agent’s marketplace is the holy grail in marketing their identity as the local expert.”
SpatialMatch is the first neighborhood search platform to offer this unique benefit. Some sites allow users to post properties on the wall, but using the Facebook “share” feature that creates conversations about the community is well, just awesome.
“The true benefit of Facebook marketing is not just posting on your own wall,” Gould added. “It’s getting everyone to post stuff about you on their walls for their friends to see and for their friends to pass on to their friends.”
If you want to see this powerful feature in action, view the short video in the previous post. We have to admit, it’s not like watching a movie about the guy who founded Facebook.
But SpatialMatch’s mission is simply to make our real estate clients who use our technology to become the star of their own neighborhoods. For those of you in the real estate business, that’s a movie you absolutely must see.