Does Your Real Estate Website Have a Leak?
It does if you are adding widgets or links that direct people to other websites. The portals derive much of their consumer traffic from the widgets that Realtors add to their websites. Most agents are aware of this, yet find themselves in a catch 22.
It’s one of those; “I’m damned if I do and I’m damned if I don’t” situations! If you don’t add the information widgets, the real estate consumers will just seek the information elsewhere. If you do add it, you risk loosing your valuable web traffic to the portal that gave you the free widget.
You could license the data and build a custom application for your website. Not a good option for most agents or brokers! Not only would you need to license all the data, you’d have too hire a programmer that can build a user experience. This could get pretty costly!
For those agents and brokers who don’t want to spend a lot of money, but are concerned about staying competitive with the information portals. You will want to check out SpatialMatch! It is a simple plug-in that will turn your current website into an instant real estate information portal. And the best part is, it keeps the user experience on your personal website!
To learn more about how you can add hyper local search to your current real estate website, sign up for one of our weekly webinars. Just click here for the schedule.